1. Bonus System

Type of solution: Web Applications and Web Services
Date: June 2012
Region: Israel
Project Length: 2 years
Development model: Dedicated team
Technologies: NET Framework 3.5-4.5, C#, MS SQL Server 2008-2012, Web Services, WCF, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, Java Script/jquery, HTML/css, Kendo UI Web components, Telerik.


Bonus System should aim to automate bonus issuance process for different game platforms and products(Casino, Poker, Asian Games). Basically it was system with four bound components:

  • Bonus BackOffice Web - web application that provides administrative user interface to manage all related functionalities except the build of a bonus template (bonus rule description for which the system provides or cancel bonus from a bonus account).
  • Bonus Wizard Web - web application that provides user interface to edit and create bonus templates.
  • Bonus BackOffice Service - web services which provides information and functionality for Bonus BackOffice Website.
  • Bonus Wizard Service - web services which provides information and functionality for Bonus Wizard Website.


There were two steps in development process. Firts one was development of Bonus Wizard Web and services for it. This system had complicate Web UI with ability of drag and drop UI widgets under it and configure bonus items.

Second one was Bonus Backoffice Web with services. The main idea was to develop administration tool for whole solution. In terms of creating this application were developed search engine for different entities and added building blocks.

Example of Bonus Wizard Web UI

Example of Bonus Backoffice Web UI